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Hairpin-turn 1

v-html, python chained comparisons and stitches

In a hairpin-turn article I write about things I learn along the way of heading to the top of IT...


This week I encountered the following error while generating this website with vitepress. The problem here is the use of the vue directive v-html.


Hydration completed but contains mismatches.

With v-html it's possible to inject HTML into an element. But you have to be careful not to break things: v-html can break HTML. What happens when v-html is used on a p element and the content of v-html also contains a p element? This will result in an invalid HTML structure: it's not allowed to nest p elements. The browser will ignore this silently, but Vue can complain with a hydration assert. To avoid this, make sure to generate valid HTML.

  <p v-html="article" /> <!-- dangerous to break HTML standard -->
  <div v-html="article" /> <!-- this is better -->

<script setup>
const article = '<p>This is an article</p>'

Python Chained Comparisons

This week IntelliJ was hinting me to simplify an if statement:

if value > 0 and value < 100:
    print('value ok')

I let IntelliJ do the optimisation and the code turned into:

if 0 < value < 100:
    print('value ok')

I had never seen this, and it seems to be called chained comparison operators.


x < y < z

is the same as:

x < y and y < z


I'm always up for something new (maybe a little too much because sometimes I start reworking things that aren't really necessary 😉).

This week I came across Stitches. Stitches is a CSS-in-JS tool. CSS-in-JS is a styling technique where JavaScript is used to style components.

Currently, I'm using TailWind CSS for my front-end projects, but I'm curious if CSS-in-JS and Stitches can be a replacement for this. When you look at components that are styled using TailWind, you will see a lot of classes. Maybe Stitches can reduce this. I'm not going to change tack at the moment, but this is something to keep an eye on. I just hope to have some time to work on this and experiment a bit. To be continued...