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2010 - 2019 - A decade overview

What was I doing the last 10 years ...


In 2010 I was still working on GLUEscript, the successor of wxJavaScript. The ultimate goal of GLUEscript was to create a JavaScript engine that turned JavaScript into a general purpose language. In 2009 node.js was released, which proved that using JavaScript on the server was a great idea. But the success of node, was also the reason why my interest into GLUEscript started to fade away... Node uses the V8 engine (Chrome), which was open sourced in 2008, while GLUEscript was using SpiderMonkey (Firefox). The last release of GLUEscript was on 27 January 2012.


While working on GLUEscript, I started to learn POCO. I was writing a MongoDB module for GLUEscript, so I thought that maybe POCO could use a MongoDB package. In the meanwhile I also worked on a JSON package. On 16 September 2013 the MongoDB package was added to POCO 1.5.2.


MongoDB was the first NoSQL database I got to know. The next one that got my attention was Redis. On 10 November 2017 a Redis package was released with POCO 1.8.0.


Another reason that my interest in GLUescript was fading, was MQWeb. In 2010, MQWeb started as an opensource project to prove that my idea "use a REST api to manage WebSphere MQ" worked. I still don't know why this idea was thwarted, but finally in 2014 I was allowed to work on it during office hours. MQWeb was also my first project on Github.


Zumuta is my personal website/blog. Started in 2013 with the idea to write more about open source, but I don't have enough time for it ... One advantage of this work: I learned to generate static websites. Zumuta and MQWeb uses Jekyll.


In the meantime, I was also a webmaster for some clubs and associations. I used Xoops, Drupal, Joomla. These content management systems learned me that it was always difficult to upgrade to a next version when you have changed some code or integrated some other modules. When I volunteered to manage a website and club management system for a judo club I decided to write my own system. A like-minded colleague (thanks Bart!) was already doing this for a volleyball club. This was the start of Kwai. With Kwai, I now learn to write single page applications with Vue and REST api's with PHP.

At work

In 2019, after 15 years, I left the MQ team and joined the network team to help them to automate recurring and manual tasks: Python, Flask, Ansible, ... Again time to learn a lot! I don't know what the future of MQWeb will be, but I saw that IBM also started to implement my idea ...

One thing that I learned from contributing to open source: I'm still relevant because I continue to learn new technologies.