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Poco Redis

Today the development of the Poco Redis module is merged into the Poco development branch.

Some examples:

###Setting a key/value with add

Array command;

// A set responds with a simple OK string
  std::string result = redis.execute<std::string>(command);
catch(RedisException &e)

###Setting a key/value with <<

Array command;
command << "SET" << "mykey" << "Hello";

// A set responds with a simple OK string
  std::string result = redis.execute<std::string>(command);
catch(RedisException &e)

###Setting a key/value with Command class

Command set = Command::set("mykey", "Hello");

// A set responds with a simple OK string
  std::string result = redis.execute<std::string>(set);
catch(RedisException &e)