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After using Jekyll for more than 10 years, Zumuta! is now build with vitepress.

It was about time to learn using a new static website generator. Vitepress was selected because I already use vite and tailwindcss for kwai-vite, the front-end of kwai-api.

Vitepress is still a work in progress, but eventually it will become the successor of Vuepress.

Vitepress uses Vite. Vite is a build tool for modern web projects. It contains a dev server and uses Rollup to bundle the code of the website. If you, like me, struggled to get Webpack up and running, then Vite is a relief. Just compare the old Webpack configuration with the new Vite configuration, and you see what I mean. I switched to Vite and never looked back.

Vite is the French word for quick.